Spanish Courses
This is an unofficial list of courses that will be offered in Hispanic Studies in Fall 2024. It is strictly for the use of expanded course descriptions. For the complete official course offerings please consult the My.UIC portal.
For a list of all courses and general course descriptions, please see the UIC Academic Catalog.
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Fall 2025 Courses in English Heading link
SPAN/GWS/LALS 192 – From the Convent to the Streets: Latin American Women Writers in Translation
Online synchronous, TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Dr. Margarita Saona
Since Colonial times Latin American women have been negotiating their role in society through their writing. In this class we will approach a variety of authors, from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the 17th Century Mexican nun whose writings challenged the situation of women in the Church and in society, to contemporary authors such as Claudia Salazar Jiménez and Samantha Schweblin, who deal with gender violence and the complexity of the technological intrusions in our relationships. Class discussion and readings are in English.
Taught in English
100-Level Courses in Spanish • Fall 2025 Heading link
These courses meet on campus MWF. Asynchronous online work outside of class is required.
Days and times listed for these courses indicate required, on campus sessions. No online/remote attendance options are available.
SPAN 101 – Elementary Spanish I
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, 3:00-3:50, & 4:00-4:50
Extensive computer use required. Field work required. Class is taught in Spanish, at a level appropriate for the course; the main purpose is communication. Course includes: regular in-classroom interactions, substantial reading and listening for homework, regular class presentations, and one exploratory visit to a Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on the department placement test. Classes are on campus.
SPAN 102 – Elementary Spanish II
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, & 3:00-3:50
Extensive computer use required. Field work required. Class is taught in Spanish, at a level appropriate for the course; the main purpose is communication. Course includes: regular in-classroom interactions, substantial reading and listening for homework, regular class presentations, and one exploratory visit to a Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 101; or appropriate score on the department placement test. Classes are on campus.
SPAN 103 – Intermediate Spanish I
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, & 3:00-3:50
Extensive computer use required. Field work required. Class is taught in Spanish, at a level appropriate for the course; the main purpose is communication. Course includes: regular in-classroom interactions, substantial reading and listening for homework, regular class presentations, and one exploratory visit to a Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102; or appropriate score on the department placement test. Classes are on campus.
SPAN 104 – Intermediate Spanish II
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, & 3:00
Extensive computer use required. Field work required. Class is taught in Spanish, at a level appropriate for the course; the main purpose is communication. Course includes: six 30-minute face-to-face interactions with native speakers of Spanish from Latin America and Spain via TalkAbroad; regular in-classroom interactions, substantial reading and listening for homework; regular class presentations; and one exploratory visit to a Hispanic neighborhood in Chicago. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 103; or appropriate score on the department placement test. Classes are on campus.
SPAN 113 – Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, 4:00-4:50, & 5:00-5:50
Introduction to reading and writing for students who already possess basic to intermediate communicative skills in the language. Content focuses on the Latino experience in the U.S. Emphasis on critical language awareness. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Class is taught entirely in Spanish. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Use of a computer and internet access is required. Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on the department placement test or the equivalent AP or IB test score.
SPAN 114 – Spanish for Heritage Speakers II
MWF 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 10:00-10:50, 11:00-11:50, 12:00-12:50, 1:00-1:50, 2:00-2:50, 4:00-4:50, & 5:00-5:50
Reading and writing for students who already possess advanced communicative skills in the language. Content focuses on the Latino experience in the U.S. Emphasis on critical language awareness. Course Information: Extensive computer use required. Class is taught entirely in Spanish. One credit hour takes place online, plus homework. Use of a computer and internet access is required. Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on the department placement test; or the equivalent AP or IB test score; or successful completion of Spanish 113.
200-Level Courses in Spanish • Fall 2025 Heading link
SPAN 202 – Spanish Grammar in Practice
On Campus, MW 8:00-9:15
Instructor: TBA
SPAN 202 – Spanish Grammar in Practice
On Campus, TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: TBA
SPAN 202 – Spanish Grammar in Practice
On Campus, MW 2:00-3:15
Instructor: TBA
SPAN 202 – Spanish Grammar in Practice
On Campus, TR 3:30-4:45
Instructor: TBA
SPAN 203 – Extensive Reading and Writing for Non-Native Speakers of Spanish
On Campus, MW 3:30-4:45
Instructor: TBD
SPAN 204 – Extensive Reading and Writing for Heritage Speakers of Spanish
On Campus, TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: TBA
SPAN 204 – Extensive Reading and Writing for Heritage Speakers of Spanish
On Campus, MWF 2:00-2:50
Instructor: Dr. Gonzalez-Cameron
SPAN 206 – Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
On Campus, TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Dr. Luis López
SPAN 206 – Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
On Campus, TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Dr. Liliana Sánchez
“Everything you wanted to know about Spanish but were afraid to ask” Do you speak Spanish at home? Have you studied Spanish for many years? In this course, we will answer questions you may have about the sounds of Spanish and their properties, how meaning is conveyed, and how words and sentences are formed. We will also look at how different speech communities use Spanish in different contexts and how it is learned by children and adults.
SPAN 210 – Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Hispanic Texts
On Campus, TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Dr. Tatjana Gajic
SPAN 210 – Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Hispanic Texts
On Campus, TR 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Riera
SPAN 212 – Cultural and Literary Studies in Spain and/or Latin America
On Campus, MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dr. Tatja Gajic
SPAN 221 – Spanish for Health Personnel I
On Campus, MWF 12:00-12:50
Instructor: Dr. Diana Gonzalez-Cameron
SPAN 226 – Early Modern Spanish and Colonial Latin American Literature and Culture in Translation
On Campus, MW 4:30-5:45
Instructor: Dr. Keith Budner
SPAN 228 – Introduction to Translation Theory
On Campus, TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Dr. Dianna Niebylski
300-Level Courses in Spanish • Fall 2025 Heading link
SPAN 302 – Exploring Spanish Grammar
On Campus, MW 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Dr. Shane Ebert
SPAN 303 – Advanced Oral Presentation, Writing, and Analysis
Online Synchronous, TR 11:00-12:15
Instructor: Dr. Gabriel Riera
SPAN 321 – Spanish for Health Personnel I
On Campus, MWF 1:00-1:50
Instructor: Dr. Diana Gonzalez-Cameron
SPAN 361 – The Structure of Spanish
On Campus, TR 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Dr. Luis López
SPAN 365 – Meaning in Language
On Campus, MW 9:30-10:45
Instructor: Dr. David Miller
SPAN 378 – Topics in Hispanic Cultural and Media Studies
On Campus, TR 3:00-4:15
Instructor: Dr. Tatjana Gajic
SPAN 380 – Professional Development
On Campus, W 3:00-3:50
Instructor: Dr. Inma Taboada
400-Level Courses in Spanish • Fall 2025 Heading link
SPAN 411 – Topics in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture
On Campus, M 6:00-8:30
Instructor: Dr. Keith Budner
SPAN 440 – Theory and Methods in Teaching Heritage Speakers
Synchronous Online, T 5:00-7:30
Instructor: Dr. Kim Potowski
SPAN / FR / GER 448 – Foundations of Second Language Teaching
On Campus, R 3:30-6
Instructor: Dr. Inma Taboada
SPAN 451 – Educational Practice with Seminar I
On Campus, W 4:00-5:50
Instructor: Dr. Inma Taboada
500-Level Courses in Spanish • Fall 2025 Heading link
SPAN 500 – Intensive Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Online Synchronous, R 6:00-8:30
Instructor: Dr. Inma Taboada
SPAN 505 – Hispanic Heritage Bilingualism: Linguistics Theories and Language Policy Approaches
On Campus, T 3:00-5:30
Instructor: Dr. José Camacho
SPAN 509 – Spanish Phonology
On Campus, TR 2:00-3:15
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Cabrelli
SPAN 522 – The Latin American Short Story
On Campus, T 3:30-6:00
Instructor: Dr. Enrique Macari
SPAN 556 – Second Language Learning
On Campus, M 6:00-8:30
Instructor: Dr. Kara Morgan-Short
SPAN 570 – Seminar in Literary Theory and Criticism
On Campus, R 5:00-7:30
Instructor: Dr. Dianna Niebylski