Linguistics Laboratories
Welcome to Linguistic research in the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies! There are several labs within the department doing exciting linguistic research:
Bilingualism and Language Contact Lab Heading link

Director: Liliana Sánchez
The Bilingualism and Language Contact Lab investigates cross-linguistic influence among people living in multilingual contact situations.
Bilingualism Research Lab Heading link

Director: Luis López
The research focus of the Bilingualism Research Lab is to investigate the linguistic competence of bilingual speakers as a window to understanding the human faculty of language.
Cognition of Second Language Acquisition Laboratory Heading link

Director: Kara Morgan-Short
The Cognition of Second Language Acquisition Lab conducts research on the neurocognitive processing of language among different speakers and learners.
Language in Context (LICO) Research Group Heading link

Director: Kim Potowski
The Language in Context Research Group studies how languages are used within their social contexts.
Multilingual Phonology Laboratory Heading link

Director: Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro
The Multilingual Phonology Laboratory examines second and third language acquisition as well as attrition, viewing these instances as pieces of a puzzle related to larger questions of linguistic representation and cognition.
Psychology of Multilingualism Heading link
Director: David Miller
The Psychology of Multilingualism research lab is dedicated to the investigation of the bi- and multilingual mind.