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Photo of Miller, David

David Miller, PhD

Assistant Professor

Hispanic and Italian Studies


Building & Room:

1705 UH


601 S. Morgan St.

Office Phone:

(312) 996-8522


Director of the Psychology of Multilingualism research lab

Major Interests
Language processing; second language acquisition; bi- and multilingualism; semantics-pragmatics interface; the role of logic, including inferencing, on language structure and use.

Selected Publications

Edited Books
Miller, D., Bayram, F., Rothman, J. & Serratrice, L. (Eds.), (2018). Bilingual Cognition and Language: The state of the science across its subfields. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Articles and Book Chapters
Miller, D., & Iverson, M. (2021). Retrodiction in the social sciences: With great power comes great responsibility. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 10.1075/

González Alonso, J., Cunnings, I., Fujita, H., Miller, D., & Rothman, J. (2021). Gender attraction in sentence comprehension. Glossa. 6(1): 20. 1–26.

Miller, D., Solis-Barroso, C., & Delgado, R. (2021). The foreign language effect in bilingualism: Examining prosocial sentiment after offense taking. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1-22.

Alemán-Bañón, J., Miller, D., & Rothman, J. (2020). Person markedness facilitates agreement for native speakers but not for second language learners: Evidence from event-related potentials. Studies in Second Language Research.

González Alonso, J., Miller, D., Rothman, J., DeLuca, V., Puig Mayenco, E., Alemán-Bañón, J., Soares, S., Slaats, S. (2020). Typological similarity affects attention in L3 mini-grammar learning: An ERP artificial study. Journal of Neurolinguistics.

Miller, D. & Rothman, J. (2019). You win some, you lose some: Comprehension and event-related potential evidence for L1 attrition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Puig-Mayenco, E., Miller, D., Bayram, F., Cunnings, I., Tubau, S., & Rothman, J. (in press, 2018). Language Dominance Affects Bilingual Competence and Processing: Evidence from a Bidirectional Study of Unbalanced Catalan/Spanish Bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology

DeLuca, V., Miller, D., Pliatsikas, C., & Rothman, J. (in press, 2019). Brain adaptations and neurological indices of processing in adult Second Language Acquisition (SLA): Challenges for the Critical Period Hypothesis. Handbook of the Neuroscience of Multilingualism. Wiley

Rothman, J., González Alonso, J., & Miller, D. (2018). The L2 Acquisition of Spanish Morphosyntax.  In Geeslin, K. (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Puig Mayenco, E., Miller, D., & Rothman, J. (in press, 2018).  Crosslinguistic Effects with Negative Polarity in Catalan-Spanish Bilinguals: Age of Acquisition and Dominance Considered. In Cho, J.C., Iverson, M., Judy, T., Leal, T. & Shimanskya, E. (Eds.), Festschrift for Roumyana Slabakova. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins

Bayram, F., Miller, D., Rothman, J., Serratrice, L. (2018). Studies in Bilingualism: 25 Years in the Making.  In D. Miller, F. Bayram, L. Serratrice & J. Rothman (Eds.), Studies in Bilingualism, Bilingualism: The State of the Science Across its Subfields, 1-12.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Iverson, M., & Miller, D. (2017). Language attrition and maintenance: Two sides of the same coin? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 704-708. doi 10.1075/lab.00009.ive

Alemán Bañón, J., Miller, D., & Rothman, J. (2017). Examining morphological variability in the online comprehension and production of number and gender agreement in L2 Spanish: An ERP study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 43(10), 1509-1536.

Bayram, F., Rothman, J., Iverson, M., Kupisch, T., Miller, D., Puig Mayenco, E., Westergaard, M. (2017). Differences in Use without Deficiencies in Competence: Passives in the Turkish and German of Turkish Heritage Speakers in Germany. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 1-21

Miller, D., DeLuca, V., Berndt, D., & Rothman, J. (2017).  Subtle Aspectual Difference in the L2 Acquisition of German: The case of pseudo-progressives AM infinitive versus BEIM infinitive.  In Blom, E., Cornips, L. and Schaffer, J. (Eds.), Festschrift for Aafke Hulk, Studies in Bilingualism, (52), 207-230. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins

Puig Mayenco, E., Miller, D. & Rothman, J. (2017). Adult Outcomes of Early Child Second Language (L2) Acquisition: Differential Object Marking in the Child L2 Spanish of Catalan Natives. In BUCLD 41: Proceedings of the 41 annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. (pp. 546-558). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Miller, D., Giancaspro, D., Iverson, M. Rothman, J. & Slabakova, R. (2016).  Not just algunos, but indeed unos L2ers converge on scalar implicatures in L2 Spanish. In Valenzuela, E. & Alba de la Fuente (Eds.), Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters: Studies in honour of Juana Liceras, 125-145. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Editorial Boards
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 

Service to Community

Notable Honors

2014-2017, (AThEME, Advancing the European Multilingual Experience dissertation grant and International Studentship, $122,500, European Commission (European 7 th Framework program #613465)

2016, Language Acquisition, Variation and Attrition (LAVA) research award: Heritage Language Workshop at the Arctic University of Norway, UiT: $600, Language Acquisition, Variation and Attrition (LAVA)

2014 - 2017, University of Reading Research Awards: $3,000, University of Reading

2016, Conference on Human Sentence Processing Research Award: $400, CUNY


PhD, University of Reading, UK