Inma Taboada, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor & Teacher Education Coordinator
Hispanic and Italian Studies
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Building & Room:
1726 UH
601 S. Morgan St.
Office Phone:
Major Interests
Syntax, Determiner Phrase, Teaching Methodology, Integrating culture and Language in the FL classroom.
Selected Publications
- Moreno, N. & I. Taboada (2009). Alófonos emergentes de /n/, /r/ y /λ/ entre grupos de diferentes edades en el español quiteño. Paper presented at the XXXVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Iruña.
- Taboada, I. (2008). Adjectives: Distribution, Logical Type and Syntactic Nature. First International Colloquium of the Revue des Étudiants en Linguistique du Québec/Québec Students Journal of Linguistics (RELQ/QSJL), Montreal, Canada. PDF
- Taboada, I. (2007). “Prenominal and Postnominal Demonstratives in Spanish: A [± Deictic] Approach”. In Anuario del Seminario de Filología vasca Julio de Urquijo: International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology (ASJU), Vol. XLI-2, Bilbao, Spain.
- Fernández-Rubiera, F. & I. Taboada, (2006). “On the Internal Structure of infinitival clauses: A comparative study in Asturian”. In Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, C. Mourón Figueroa and T.I. Moralejo Gárate (Eds.), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Taboada, I. & F. Fernández-Rubiera, (2006). “Subjects, matrix interrogatives and the puzzle present in Spanish: the structure of wh-interrogatives in Spanish”. In Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, C. Mourón Figueroa and T.I. Moralejo Gárate (Eds.), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Taboada, I. (2006). Nominal and Adjectival Complementation in Spanish and English. Georgetown University Luso-Hispanic Linguistics Papers (GULLP), 1, Washington, DC. PDF
- Mascaró-Llabrés, M. & I. Taboada, (2006). Juicios paralelos. Didactic unit presented to the First International Prizes redELE on the Creation of Didactic Units of Spanish as a Foreign Language (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España), Madrid. PDF
Notable Honors
May 2006, Honorific mention in the 1st International Prizes redELE on the Creation of Didactic Units of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España
PhD, University of the Basque Country