Luis López, PhD
Professor & Director of Graduate Studies
Hispanic and Italian Studies
Pronouns: He/Him/His
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1820 UH
601 S. Morgan St.
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I am a professor of Spanish linguistics. I obtained my PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University in 1995 and I have been affiliated with UIC since 1999. For the past few years my scholarship has focused on pragmatics, which has provided me with the excuse to read fascinating stuff in philosophy of language and philosophy of law. I have published or have in the pipeline some papers on these topics.
Before that, I published extensively on syntactic theory, morphology, and their interfaces with semantics, information structure, and phonology. Within this general framework, I also worked on bilingualism and the rich database that can be found when exploring code-switching - I had in fact the enormous pleasure of directing the Bilingualism Research Laboratory at UIC for many years.
Selected Publications
Forth. ‘The conceptual structure of perjury.’ Law and Philosophy
Forth. “Distributed Morphology and bilingual grammars: Code-switching and mixed languages.” To appear in Alexiadou, Artemis, Ruth Kramer, Alec Marantz and Isabel Oltra-Massuet (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology. Cambridge University Press.
2023 “The whole truth? On broadening the scope of the federal perjury statutes.” International Journal of Language and Law 12: 8-30.
2023 “Make your mouth agua: Idioms and the integrated lexicon hypothesis.” Borealis 12: 91-121. With Irati de Nicolás, Rodi Laanen, Charlotte Pouw, José Sequeros, M. Carmen Parafita Couto.
2023 * “Assertion and truth default.” Journal of Pragmatics 203: 17-31.
2023 “The ideal speaker-hearer might be bilingual.” In Natascha Pomino, Eva-Maria Remberger & Julia Zwink (eds.) From formal linguistic theory to the art of historical editions: The multifaceted dimensions of Romance linguistics. Vienna, Austria: Vienna University Press (pp 333-346).
Service to Community
Editorial Board:
Current Issues in Multilingualism - http://langsci-press.org/catalog/series/cib
ISOGLOSS Open Journal of Romance Linguistics - https://revistes.uab.cat/isogloss/index
Languages - https://www.mdpi.com/journal/languages
Probus: International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics - https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/prbs/prbs-overview.xml
Notable Honors
2020, Netherlands Research Council (NWO) Visitors Travel Grant, Leiden University
2012-2013, Fulbright Award, University of Wuppertal, Germany
2016, Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin
PhD Linguistics. Cornell University. 1995
BA in Filología. Universitat de Barcelona. 1988