Emanuela Zanotti Carney, PhD
Professor Emerita
Hispanic and Italian Studies
601 S. Morgan St.
Emanuela Zanotti Carney is Senior Lecturer and Assistant Coordinator of the Italian Language Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She holds a B.A in Economics and Political Science from the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Rome, a Master of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science in London, and a PhD in Italian Studies from the University of Chicago. Her research interests include late Medieval and Early Modern Italian literature, Marian lamentations, women writers, and FL pedagogy and curriculum development. She is a member of Chicago's Osservatorio per la Lingua Italiana at the Italian Consulate, the former President of Italidea-Midwest (2012-2015), and former President of the Women’s Studies Caucus of the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS). In 2015 she received the Dante Prize awarded by the American Association Teachers of Italian/Illinois Chapter.
Selected Publications
“Critical Pedagogy, Social Justice, and Prosocial Identities in the Italian Classroom (Part II).” Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian. Italica 95.3 (2018).
“Critical Pedagogy, Social Justice, and Pro-social Identities in the Italian Classroom. Part I.” Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian. Italica, vol. 95.2 (2018).
“Lessons Learned: Design and Implementation of Italian Blended Language Courses.” Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian and Maja Grgurovic. Italica 94.2 (2017).
“Instructional Planning for the Italian Writing Curriculum. The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Experience.” Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian. Italica 93.3 (2016)
“Staging virginity in Florentine convents”. Scenes from Italian Convent Life. An Anthology of Convent Theatrical Texts and Contexts. Ed. Elissa Weaver. Ravenna: Longo editore, 2009.
“Ortensio Lando and the re-writing of the “Problemata”. Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana, 2008.
Paolo Cherchi. Ministorie di Microgeneri a cura di C. Fabbian- A. Rebonato- Emanuela Zanotti Carney, Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2003.
Carlo Paolazzi. “La maniera mutata. Il ‘dolce stil novo’ tra Scrittura e Ars poetica.” in Annali di Italianistica, 18, 2000.
PhD, University of Chicago
MSc., London School of Economics and Political Sciences
Laurea in Economia e Scienze Politiche, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali
Research Currently in Progress
- "What’s in a Book? FL Textual Contents (and Discontents)". Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian and Alessia Valfredini. Forthcoming in the 2019 AAUSC volume of Issues in Language Program Direction (Pathways to Paradigm Change: Critical Examinations of Prevailing Discourses and Ideologies in Second Language Education).
- "Lettura, scrittura, educazione femminile. Ho una Casa mia! di Tommasina Guidi."Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian. Forthcoming in “Il lettore di provincia", Angelo Longo Editore.