New creative works by Bernardo Navia
Bernardo Navia, a graduate of our Spanish PhD program and a longtime instructor in our Spanish Basic and Heritage Language Programs, has two new creative works out. A collection of short stories entitled Sobre destinos, ciudad y Dios was published here in Chicago by ARS Conmmunis, and a collection of poetry, Poemas enojados, mal educados y de los otros, was published Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions (also in Chicago).
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These publications join many other works of fiction and poetry in Bernardo’s ever growing literary corpus including:
- Sin tregua y otros desórdenes urbanos. Indiana: Palibrio, 2010. (a collection of short stories)
- Doce muertes para una resaca. Madrid: Betania, 2001. (poetry)
- Viaje en dos jornadas. Indiana: Palibrio, 2011. (poetry)
- 6 stories in Voces Online. Séptima antología. Langer, Ernesto, ed. Santiago de Chile: Escritores cl, 2010.
- 11 short stories in Vocesueltas: Cuatro cuentistas de Chicago. Chicago: Vocesueltas, 2007.
- 2 short stories in Into the Wind’s Eye: Latino Fiction from the Heartland. Barry, John, ed. Chicago: Francisco Ruiz, 2004.
- 3 poems in Susurros para disipar las sombras. Goergen, Juana, ed. Chicago: Erato/Poesía en Abril, 2012.
- 2 poems in In Other Words. An American Poetry Anthology. Maciel, Olivia, ed. Chicago: Western Reading Services, 2001.
- 2 poems in Shards of Light. Maciel, Olivia, ed. Chicago: Tía Chucha Press, 1998.
We are so fortunate to have talented and passionate artists like Bernardo among our dedicated instructors!
Modified on June 19, 2019