Jan 24 2020

Minimal Interfaces and Cross-modular Notation: How do different Grammars and different modules achieve compatibility

January 24, 2020

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


1750 UH


601 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607

flyer for event

Abstract: We propose an interface principle of Minimal Modular Contact that constrains interface relations, building on the Syntax-Semantics Identity Hypothesis (Kennedy (2008)). We explore the question: can formal identity extend to pragmatics? Specific domains include: quantification and spreading, exhaustivity and topicalization, Default transitivity, and the connection between recursion and math. Interface simplicity has implications for bilingualism and multiple grammars.

The graduate-student organized UIC Talks in Linguistics (TiL) offers students, faculty, and invited-guests the opportunity to present ongoing work and get comments and ideas as well as the chance for critical and constructive discussion of their work.


School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics

Date posted

Sep 20, 2019

Date updated

Sep 25, 2020


Dr. Tom Roeper | Professor | University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Dr. Tom Roeper is a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he works primarily in theoretical approaches to language acquisition and morphology. His current work is the acquisition of wh-movement with Jill de Villiers of Smith College. In morphology he has focused on implicit arguments, productive morphology, and lexical rules.