Rosilie Hernández, Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Professor of Hispanic & Italian Studies, was recently named to President’s Executive Leadership Program for the…
Liliana Sánchez, Professor of Hispanic Linguistics, and her SAIPM-COVID19 collaborators have been using their linguistic and cultural research to help create effective health education materials for minority and indigenous communities in response to…
Bernardo Navia, an alumnus of the Ph.D. program in Hispanic Studies and a lecturer in the Spanish Heritage Language Program, has just published a new book Forasteros: Tres narraciones peregrinas. It was reviewed…
Meloddye Carpio Ríos has won the second prize for graduate essays in the Gender Perspective Research Essay Competition for her essay “De afectos, procesos y excesos: reflexiones sobre la masculinidad y los héroes…
Anna Torres Mallma, a PhD candidate in Hispanic Literary and Cultural Studies, has received a Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Award. These awards “honor students who have made an outstanding contribution to the…
Lisa James, PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies, has received the Provost’s Graduate Internship Award for Summer 2021. Lisa will be working with LAS’s Office of Recruitment and Engagement under the direction of Justin…
Meloddye Carpio Ríos, PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies, has been awarded two major awards by the UIC Graduate College. The Access to Excellence Fellowship offers support to increase the number of students from…
Hispanic Studies alumus José Angel Navejas (Ph.D. 2020) has published a short story entitled “La Paz” in Latin American Literary Today. The work can be read online. José Angel is the author of…
Margarita Saona will participate in the King Juan Carlos Center poetry series at NYU curated by Lila Zemborain, along with Argentinian poet Marina Serrano. The topic of the session is Variations on the…