
José Angel Navejas awarded IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellowship

Congratulations to Hispanic Studies PhD candidate José Angel Navejas who has been awarded a dissertation completion fellowship for the 2019-20 academic year through the IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellowship Program.

New book by Tatjana Gajić

Tatjana Gajić has published a new book with the University of Nebraska Press entitled Paradoxes of Stasis: Literature, Politics, and Thought in Francoist Spain. According to the publisher: Paradoxes of Stasis examines the literary…

Four LCSL faculty receive Teaching Recognition Program Awards

This year, the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs recognized the accomplishments of fourteen UIC faculty members for their teaching excellence through the Teaching Recognition Program (TRP) Awards. Of…

New creative works by Bernardo Navia

Bernardo Navia, a graduate of our Spanish PhD program and a longtime instructor in our Spanish Basic and Heritage Language Programs, has two new creative works out. A collection of short stories entitled Sobre destinos,…